Saturday, October 30, 2010

Moxie weighs in on the HPTs

This past week has had its share of unbounded happiness and extreme anxiety. And several mornings have begun with a ritual peeing on a stick and then snuggling together to watch the lines appear (and to compare with a test from a few days before that).

And when I say snuggling together, I mean me, Will, and our little boxer puppy, Moxie (who's not so little any more). Moxie has even been weighing in with her thoughts on how the pregnancy is progressing.

See how intently she's examining the sticks? That's because she is one smart boxer doggie. Also, she'd really like there to be a baby around the apartment that she can lick and nuzzle whenever the mood strikes her. And whose stuffed toys she can steal and pretend they are her own.

"The line on the bottom definitely smells darker.
Definitely! It's not even a close call!"

Oh yeah. Sanity may be running a bit low over at Mo and Will's (and Moxie's) house. But there is a lot of love - and renewed hope - here.


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  1. Too cute!! Yeah, your dog probably largely just smells the urine odor...and can't animals detect when people or other animals are pregnant? I swear I heard that somewhere!

  2. Even with my DE/DS cycle I wasn't sane! It's damn hard to be sane in the face of all of this! Just keep each other close!

  3. Hurrah for Moxie! And yeah, the stuffed toy thing? I'm quite sure none of Henry's will survive long enough for him to play with them!

  4. Awwww. I miss my dogs (at home with my parents in India)- Its so awesome you have Moxie around for support!

    And I do the HPT thing too, except that it maxed out 2 days ago with the internet cheapies (and they go on for a while). Now I will start the dilutions (yes, sanity has flown out the window of every one of the-trying-to-make-a-baby households!)

  5. I wonder if Moxie can tell something's up with that pee stick? Doggies are pack animals and I'm sure she'll be thrilled to have another member of the pack to snuggle with. :-)

  6. That is too cute!! Moxie must be wondering if other dogs get to do this too.

  7. Cute! Oh I am so happy for you guys!! My dog knew before anyone else when I was pregnant with Queen Bean. He followed me everywhere and was always cuddled up near my belly!! Its funny.. after I gave birth.. its stopped! :) He was no longer obsessed with my bump! xo

  8. I must have missed something.....I admit that I have not been on line as much as normal, but what a fantastic surprise to read this post...your pregnant!!!! congrats!!!

  9. So glad to hear that hope is there amidst the anxiety, and so glad that Moxie is there to lend support! Hoping that Monday's bloodwork yields great progesterone numbers and that Tuesday's u/s continues to provide reassurance.

    BTW, I love that you added a pregnancy ticker-- it's so very life affirming and hopeful.

  10. Mo, I'm here via Linda's blog and just wanted to tell you that I'm sending you all of my best thoughts for a healthy pregnancy.

    That Moxie is one smart pup:)

  11. Mo - Even though I am 41, I had a relatively easy pregnancy and was cared for by the faculty practice group at Cornell. They were great, but there was very little monitoring and very few ultrasounds. I think you would feel more comfortable with a high risk doctor where you would be followed more closely. FYI - Dr. Stephen Chasen at Cornell did my CVS and I loved his bedside manner. I would check him out. Good luck with your decision. Kathryn


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