Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Countdown to transfer

We leave tomorrow for Denver. All is in order for a Friday transfer. Gulp. I have been so slammed at work that I haven't been able to update the blog, or do much of anything (haven't packed for that matter - need to get to it right after this).

Estrogen and progesterone are in good shape (E2 = 655, P4 = 11.82 at last check). Lining is triple-striped and was 8.6 mm at last check (late last week).

I have been doing acupuncture two to three times a week for the past few weeks. Trying to reverse this blood flow problem to my uterus.

I started an anti-inflammatory cocktail today of prednisone, claritin, and pepcid that Denver is using with women with recurrent miscarriage. I have been on aspirin and medrol and estrogen patches and oral estrogen as well as progesterone suppositories for days.

We decided to throw Lovenox into the mix, even though Dr. Schl. thought it was probably unnecessary (the reproductive immunologist we saw last fall recommended it). I was really scared to take this after the things I've read on the Internet, worried the shot would be very painful. It is so no big deal, which is a relief.

All systems are go and we are approaching lift off.

I spent almost 30 minutes on the phone today with the head embryologist in Denver, trying to determine what embryos we will be transferring. After much soul searching and discussion between Will and me over the past couple of weeks - as well as today's long talk with the embryologist - we will be transferring two day 6s and a day 7. It is very scary to transfer three, but even scarier to imagine not getting pregnant at all. Because two of the three we are planning to transfer have already hatched and might not survive the thaw, we have backup embryos in line if needed (geesh, I hope not needed, but better to be safe than sorry).

It feels surreal to be on the cusp of the transfer. I can't believe we've finally arrived at this point. Honestly, it doesn't feel real in any way - I feel pretty detached about it. Maybe it will start to sink in soon?

A wonderful blog friend sent me a necklace that she wore during her successful cycle and that was passed to her from yet another blogger who wore it during her successful cycle. What an honor. What a beautiful thing. I will be wearing it Friday, hoping to catch a whiff of all the good luck this talisman has to offer. How incredible that through the words on our screens, we reach each other, touch each other, and connect across all the distance in the world. Amazing. I am so grateful. Just touched to my core.

And oh, God, maybe, could this maybe work?


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  1. So excited for you guys! And happy to hear about the Lovenox. It's what brought me my DD after four losses. God luck! :)

  2. I am wishing and hoping for you!! Please let the tides of "bad luck" come to an end for those of us that have been on this side for waaay too long!!

    I am doing a PGD cycle this Fall too. It's our last hope.

    You have been my inspiration and I know how hard this has been for you. I hope that necklace brings you the luck you deserve and that the embryos are ready to find their home in your womb!!

    Best of luck Mo! We are all rooting for you!!

  3. Mo:

    I'm so, so, so excited for you and Will. I remember how far off this transfer seemed but now your transfer is upon you.

    I will remain ever hopeful for a positive outcome each and every step of the way.

  4. For some reason (and I know this means SO much coming from an anonymous commenter, haha), I have an awesome feeling about this cycle. So hopeful for you! Good luck! You'll be in my prayers. I can't wait to hear all about your BFP ;-)

  5. Lovenox isn't too bad. If you're also doing aspirin you might get some good bruises on your tummy though. Shoot in the area towards the sides (avoid the belly button area). Go slow...don't force it in really fast, that seems to burn and also cause bruising.

    Very interesting that they're using claritin.

    What is the reasoning behind the pepcid use? I worry about the pepcid a wee bit. It'll lower your stomach acid (raises pH) and that is what wound up causing my GI issues (they gave me prilosec after my surgery and then the issues started). Try to avoid eating anything that is "iffy" in terms of safety when you're on that stuff (ie, sushi, uncooked eggs, etc) as the higher pH can let certain bacteria grow.

    3 is a great number to transfer - I hope you feel good about the number in the end.

    And that is so cool about the talisman that you were gifted with - I want to borrow it if it works for you! :-))

    I've got everything crossed for you over here!

  6. Sending hope and great vibes. I know you've got at least one amazing acupuncturist pulling hard for you on this one. And one CBT'er downtown.

  7. I have every toe and finger crossed for good luck! Travel safely and bring home some happily implanted embryos!!!

  8. I am wishing you and Will the best of luck with this transfer! You have been through so much to get here. I am praying for a successful cycle for you with all of my heart! I think 3 is a perfect number!

  9. So so so excited for you! I had a lucky necklace given to me bt a blogger too, and the results of that cycle are sleeping in their cribs! Hope the same good karma comes your way and as always sending you some good vibes from the north!

  10. Thinking happy baby pregnancy thoughts for you all! I'm sure that it must be so hard to feel it's all real! Good luck!

  11. Oh my have waited soooooo long to get to this just has to work!!! I think 3 is a good idea!

    I've got everything crossed for you....and I am praying that this is your chance. It just has to be!

  12. I am so nervous for my upcoming transfer too. I hope this is it for you!! Safe travels and good luck.

  13. I hope hope hope it works!

  14. Good luck! Hope the talisman (and drug cocktail) do the trick...

  15. I am praying for you two! And yes, love across the internets is a powerful thing :)

  16. I hope all goes well Friday and your long awaited 2ww go by quickly.

    lovenox isn't so bad. I think repronex burned worse. The only bad part is that the needles aren't very sharp. Sounds like you are quite a cocktail.

  17. I am so excited for you! Have a safe trip and I wish you guys the best!

  18. Tons of prayers your way for a beautiful baby (or two.. or three!) at the end of this!

  19. I got goosebumps reading your post - this has to be it. I am going to be thinking of you.

  20. Good luck! I'm very excited for you!

  21. Woohoo! Good Luck! I wish for you a smooth and easy transfer. C'mon embies thaw, start and stick!

  22. I hope, I hope, I hope! Good luck!

  23. Oh, Mo, I am rooting for you. For these embryos.

    I'm curious about the pepcid/claritin cocktail. What's the thinking behind that? (Wondering if I should switch from my usual zyrtec to claritin...)

    Three sounds good. Really good.

  24. Hoping with all my might for a successful transfer for you! Take care.

  25. Good luck on Friday!! What time exactly, so I can send some very strong, very specific good vibes to you and the embies.

    Your lining sounds perfect, that is good to hear. It sounds like you have done all you can do. Have a safe trip out there!

  26. Wow, it's finally here. I'm so excited and nervous for you. I hope everything goes great. I know you will be holding onto that necklace and absorbing all of its positive vibes. I'm hopeful that all of your dreams are about to come true. Nothing but good thoughts coming your way! And a huge good luck (((HUG))).

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Blog stalker here...:) Praying for you... I've got a feeling that this is going to work !!!

  29. Friday! Friday! Friday! I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow. And I'm thrilled you decided to go for the Lovenox - I DO think it helped me, even if just because of a nifty placebo effect. And I agree with your reasoning on transferring 3. Mo, I'm so hopeful for you, so excited. Give me a holler when you're back and your life eases up a bit. I've missed my Mo-fixes! Fingers crossed so tightly I can barely type...

  30. Best of luck Mo, I can't believe the day if finally here! Three is a good number - didn't you transfer FIVE last time? Of course that was a different situation...Sending all kinds of hope your way - waiting for the update!

  31. Many prayers and good thoughts for a great outcome!

  32. Will be sending lots of good wishes and prayers for success.

  33. Mo -- Best of luck to you and Will. I'm wishing as hard as I know how that this all works beautifully and that you end up with 1<=x<3 healthy babies from this cycle (in case that doesn't come out, that said greater than or equal to 1 but less than 3).
    Thinking about you.

  34. Good luck! We will be praying hard for you. If anyone deserves success, you do!

  35. Wishing with all my strength that this is THE cycle for you and Will. I know it sounds loopy, but I really think the necklace works! It's tangible evidence that we're all pulling for you.

  36. Rock that transfer.

    Best wishes to you. We are all thinking about you.

    ps - I am such a selfish mofo, but hows do we sign up to get that necklace when you are finished with it?

  37. OMG!!!! Transfer tomorrow! I can understand how surreal this must feel after such a wait. And different than past cycles, knowing that these are 1) blasts, and 2) have tested genetically normal. I hope your 2WW flies by, and then the 1st trimester, etc., etc.

    Like Susan, I can't be sure the Lovenox made a difference for me either, but our babes are here, so I don't regret the shots at all. The shots and the bruises didn't hurt much, but they were really UGLY bruises. So what. I switched to the tops of my thighs, as my pants were making the belly bruises worse. (Then again, I have very fleshy thighs.)

    Sending loving vibes all the way to Denver!

  38. All the luck to you for tomorrow's transfer. And I think you are doing the right thing to be transferring three.

    With my FET, my husband and I agreed to transfer two. The day of transfer came and my RE came into the conference room and suggested we transfer FOUR. Holy hell. I got BFNs up through 10dp3dt and a BFP on 11dp3dt. My beta was only a 15. Due to the timing, we think it was the smallest of all the embryos and if we would have only tranferred the two, we wouldn't have our little boy.

    Again, good luck for you tomorrow!

  39. I'll be thinking of you too! Best of luck!

  40. Everything crossed for you over here:)

  41. I am so happy for you guys... Hope all goes well this time around. I have been wondering about you and how things were going. Glad everything goes according to plan! Good luck tomorrow!!!

  42. Wow, I can't believe you are headed out to Denver to pick up your embies already - I'm so excited for you. Keep us posted and best of luck!!!

  43. I am so excited and hopeful for you guys. I will be thinking of you and your embryos tomorrow!

  44. Thinking of you with everything crossed

  45. whoa. Today is Friday. Thoughts and all my good vibes with you guys today, Mo. Go, Mo, Go!

  46. Good Luck with your transfer today!

  47. Hoping everything goes smoothly today, and that this transfer yields as many healthy full-term babies as you can handle!

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