Welcome inside the mind of someone who has had seven losses, one wondrous daughter, and now finds herself amazingly, fortunately, luckily, pregnant again.
It's a tricky place.
I'm trying to balance in the place that all
could be ok. Not to start to think it
is ok and get my hopes way up, but not to fall into the chasm that it's hopeless and doomed either. Just stay the middle path.
The history of losses makes it hard. In particular, our first FET, with three chromosomally normal blasts, which looked remarkably similar to this pregnancy (low initial beta, good doubling),
ended in disaster. That particular piece of history is hard not to gnaw on in my mind.
I remind myself that we're doing IVIG this time, and I've gone gluten free, and perhaps started the lovenox earlier (although I honestly can't remember), and I think I'm on a higher dose of prednisone this time, for whatever that's worth. I remind myself that that experience was that experience and this one is its own.
That was those blastocysts. This time could be different. It all might be ok (might not too).
Thanks for your thoughts on the ultrasound. I had decided not to do it, then started to waffle a bit yesterday. After your comments, in particular Gwinne's about the vanishing twin, and anonymous at 1:32PM, reminding me that more information could possibly be helpful, I scheduled one for Friday (God help me). Of course, the other comments were persuasive too, but by then I'd scheduled it. We'll see if I actually go. I know there's no heartbeat to see at this stage, but I also know I (and the RE) will be looking at the ultrasound trying to read the tea leaves on things that are too tiny to see. Most specifically, is there a yolk sac? Is there a REAL yolk sac? (we've been told things were yolk sacs before that in hindsight seem a bit specious).
I took another giant leap of faith yesterday and scheduled a first prenatal appointment with my wonderful OB. Scheduled for Oct. 5. A lifetime from now, but really not so long. That would be amazing if we were still pregnant then...that would be the beginning of the eighth week. Hard to imagine, but I knew she'd be booked if I didn't get on the schedule now. Very scary to schedule that. But I did it.
See below, today's pee stick on the bottom. Nice and dark. There's definitely something going on!
It looks as good as it could, and is so reassuring, but guarantees nothing. (And of then of course
if I look back at FET #1's stick around this day, it looks almost identical. Ugh!)
But I just keep reminding myself that it could be ok.
That these embryos either have what it takes or they don't.
That I've done and continue to do all that I know to do.
That this time, I
know in a way I never did before that it could work out (Magpie is here after all).
My job now is to try to enjoy this part as much as possible. "Enjoy" seems rather the wrong word. Honor this time? That's closer. This pregnancy is a great privilege, and I feel that through my entire being.
For now, we are pregnant again, for the ninth time, hanging on for dear life. Who ever would have thought we'd even have a chance again?
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