Friday, September 18, 2015

5w5d ultrasound

So it is not much to look at, but there is a sac. My local RE's machines aren't that good, and this is an iphone photo of the scan, but there it is, in all its glory - a gestational sac. In the uterus, so that's good (as opposed to a fallopian tube). 

The sac is too small (and equipment too poor) to see if there's a yolk sac or fetal pole, but there could be. 

Quote from the RE: "You're still in the game."

I told him the initial beta had been low and the initial doubling slow.  "I know," he said. "I've been watching."

We talked for awhile about that initial slow doubling and the low beta and prognosis. 

He said he has unpublished data that FET betas and embryo development typically lag two days behind fresh transfers. And that he was just talking with a colleague who's a beta expert that betas and their rise don't matter as much as everyone tends to think, and that the true threshold is probably around 50% rise, not 66% (and mine was 70%, so above both those thresholds).

So maybe this could be ok. 

I am not going to get my hopes up, but I'm not throwing in the towel either. 

We will see what next week's scan brings. With any luck, there will be the tiny flickering of a little heart. 

Hoping. With everything I have.


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  1. I almost never comment but have been following forever. I had an early scan at 5w6d and we saw a very empty sac. Nothing else. Just an empty sac. Early scan was following an ectopic. I was convinced we were done once again. Then a week later, at 6w6d, we saw a baby with a heartbeat. Currently 23 weeks (tomorrow) and all still going well. So empty sac can still be positive news next week. Hoping with you!

    1. thank you for this comment. I hope our story will be like yours!

  2. Hoping with you, Mo. With everything I have as well. Day by day. This is a great start.


  3. Sending posture vibes for good sonogram with a heartbeat next week!!! So far is looking good for this stage of the development. Looking forward another success!!!

  4. I hope you left that appointment feeling reassured; I would have.

    I continue to send loads of positive thoughts your way. (Can you feel 'em?) ;-)

  5. That's so wonderful to see, stay positive and wishing you a beating heart next week!!!

  6. Hoping SO SO much for you!

  7. Excellent! My own pregnancy was one that confirms betas aren't all they are cracked up to be.

    Did they give you an indication if the sac is the right size for developmental age?

    Fingers crossed!!!!

    1. He didn't bother to measure it. Trying not to read into that....

  8. I hate those archaic machines! Every self respecting OB should have high res machines.

    That said, you are decidedly pregnant and for sure in this.

    Heartbeat scan next week?

  9. It's Jennifer from New York. Pretty, precious picture, continue to blossom!

  10. YAY! Singleton right where it should be! Hoping hard for a flicker next week.

  11. That sac does not look empty to me. I feel like I see the "ring" of a yolk sac. Really hopeful for you!!

  12. I agree the sac does not look empty. Also, totally agree that betas are not all they are cracked up to be. We want everything to fall into these perfect patterns and statistics but nature does not always work that way. Fingers crossed for next Thursday!

  13. I had an early ultrasound at 6w1d with my surprise pregnancy. I was terrified because the sac looked small and completely empty. My OB had a crummy machine and the high res one was broken, so he admitted it wasn't the best. Eventually he concluded that he thought things looked "normal" for so early on, then booked me an appointment for 9 days later. By that time there was a visible heart beat. So I think the fact that you have a visible sac is a great sign. I hope you see a lot more next week!!

  14. Hoping with you. Hoping hoping hoping. You're still in the game.

  15. Hoping for you with all I've got!

  16. Praying for you!! When is your scan next week?

    1. thank you! it's thursday mid-day.

    2. Can't wait to check back and see your wonderful news!!

  17. Yay!! Thats great! Side note, It just occurred to me, would charting your bbt help? I think I read that it stays high all during pregnancy. So if, God forbid, it went down at least you'd have a heads up? Just wondering if this could help with some of the worries that come from the unknown. But definitely praying for the best!!


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