So I signed on, full steam ahead, for surgery on Thursday.
Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm realizing I'm a little scared of the procedure and wondering what it will be like. It surprises me that I'm so nervous, given that I've been through a number of surgical procedures during my cancer treatment and now during the last 19 months of IVF. But I am.
So, thought I'd reach out to the blogosphere for a little help from my friends. Can any of you who have been through a diagnostic laparoscopy/hysteroscopy walk me through your experience? What was it like? Did your Dr. find anything in the surgery?
Some of my specific wonderings:
What is surgery day like exactly? Who did you talk to? (anesthesiologist? RE? or just nurses?) Were you sedated before going in? How many people are in the OR? Were you awake when catheterized? Did they tie you down while you were still awake? (some crazy fears about being completely out while having gyn surgery surfacing here)
What did you feel like immediately after when you woke up in recovery? Did you have throat pain? Were you still catheterized at that point or did they take the tube out while you were still asleep?
How did you feel one day after? (Can I be alone the next day, letting Will return to work?) How did you feel a few days after? What kind of painkillers were you given? (or was it just tylenol?) I was told I will feel about 80% the Monday following (so four days post-op) and am planning to return to work in the psych ER that day. Does that sound reasonable?
I know the risks are low, but my nerves are getting the better of me. So I am thinking that hearing your experiences will help. Your shared stories will then be out there for the next infertile googling for info on this procedure, helping her to feel a little less afraid.