Tuesday, March 24, 2009

IVF #4, the blow-by-blow account

2/26 Cycle Day 2
FSH = 6.8, E2 = 32.7, LH = 5.47
200 Follistim, 75 Menopur
Begin stims

2/28 Cycle Day 4
bloodwork: E2 = 146, LH = 1.9
200 Follistim, 75 Menopur

3/1 Cycle Day 5
bloodwork: E2 = 207
ultrasound: Right: 2 at 11, Left: 1 at 10, 1 at 9
200 Follistim, 75 Menopur

3/2 Cycle Day 6
no bloodwork
200 Follistim, 75 Menopur, 1 syringe ganrilex

3/3 Cycle Day 7
bloodwork: E2: 522, LH = .6
ultrasound: Right: 1 at 13.7, 2-3 <10

3/4 Cycle Day 8
bloodwork: E2 = 758, LH = .725
ultrasound: Right: 14.8, 11.5, 2-3 <10

3/5 Cycle Day 9
bloodwork: E2 = 1180, LH = .954
ultrasound: Right: 14, 14, 11.5, 11, 11.9, Left: 15, 14.5, 14, 12, 11.5, 2-3 <10

3/6 Cycle Day 10
bloodwork: E2 = 1573
ultrasound: Right: 16, 13.5, 15, 10.5, 2-3 <10

3/7 Cycle Day 11
bloodwork: E2 = 2,146
ultrasound: Right: 18, 17, 14, Left: 18, 16, 15, and then a bunch o' others.
HCG Trigger.

3/8 Cycle Day 12
bloodwork: pending
ultrasound: Right largest is 19, smallest 14, Left: similar.

3/9: Cycle Day 13
15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilize w/o ICSI.

3/12: 5 beautiful embryos transferred at day 3.

3/23: BFN

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  1. I am so very sorry that this cycle didn't work. There aren't any other words.


  2. I've been thinking about you. How are you doing?

  3. Hey Mo - how are you guys doing. I am horribly depressed this morning.

  4. I just want to shout a few choice words and I am trying to not swear!! I am angered and upset for you two. I just don't get it!!! Thinking of you two always!


  5. Oh Mo - Im so sorry - There is really not much else I can say to make you feel better...Im thinking of you with lots of love!

  6. Well, sh*t. I can see why your docs (including you and Will) were stunned.

    Sh*t. If it's any help, your numbers were waaaaaaayyyy better than mine ever were.

    You know what, that's not helpful at all. I'll stop.

    I'm so, so sorry.....

  7. I'm so sorry that this last cycle didn't work. It shouldn't have to be this hard, but it is. As usual, there's nothing I can say that will offer any comfort, especially being filed under "recurrent miscarriage" myself. I hope you take the time to get back on track. Be gentle with yourselves ...


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