So I heard from the IVF nurse at my local clinic...
blood work is back.
Estrogen is 1,169
which is great, especially because I dropped to 3 patches.
Progesterone is 57
which is just hands down awesome (weird that my breasts aren't hurting more, but I'll take it).
Beta HCG = 182,833
which is higher than last week's 140,932, but not much higher.
I'm going to try to assume that it's ok, though, and will ask the Denver nurse when I talk to her. I also have to find a way to get the local clinic to stop with the beta checks!! I did a little Internet research and it looks like the number starts to plateau around week 9 or 10... and I found this article on line, which helped reassure me that basically any HCG number is potentially ok at this point. Weird numbers are going to do a number on my fragile little stop checking the beta HCG, clinic!!!
Would you be worried about this beta number? Be honest. I'll add to the bottom of this post what the Denver nurse says once I talk to her...
Update: Denver nurse never called so I'll try to catch her tomorrow...
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That beta is definitely fine. Numbers start to level out at 8-10 weeks (peaking at 10 weeks, I believe). Then fall.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't worry about it. Everything I've read says that Beta numbers start to drop off between 8-11. I think those numbers are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteAs I've already revealed I have no idea what your beta should look like at this stage. As far as I know (and that's not far), both the value and the trend look lovely. Certainly the E2 and the P4 look great.
ReplyDeleteI do know what informed consent should look like and I don't think that's looking so good. I'd definitely talk to your clinic; I know of no reason to continue betas, especially given that you don't want them and are finding having them done stressful. I'm sure their motives are pure, but you and the developing baby your body is nurturing are what matters.
I think the beta number is to be expected at this point...and your other numbers are looking great! :) I'm sure you'll feel better once you talk to Denver nurse though!!
ReplyDeleteYep, agreed with the other ladies. Perfectly normal from what I've read. I think you are in really great shape!
ReplyDeletestop checking...only thing that matters is embryo on u/s
ReplyDeleteI also think the beta is great! So are your other levels. ;)
ReplyDeleteI think the fact that clinics stop checking beta after the first week is a sign that the numbers are way less important than the u/s's - and your u/s have been great! Congrats on starting the weaning process, I cannot wait to get there myself, so sick of P & E!
ReplyDeleteMine has not even checked my beta again. I read too it tapers off at 8-10 weeks do all is good. And your other numbers sound great.
ReplyDeleteBeta is fine. 40K more is hardly a plateau & doubling stopped already, naturally. It gives you no new info & b/c it is worrisome to you should be stopped.
ReplyDeleteYippee that all else is well.
I don't know anything about the beta number but I'm glad everything is looking good :)
ReplyDeleteDamn- enough with the betas. I have never heard of an OB doing one, and people usually transfer their care at around 6-8 weeks, yes? So at this point in a pregnancy most people have no idea what their numbers are. Tell these folks to lay off.
ReplyDeleteI've read the same thing you have -- numbers will plateau at this point and drop off towards the later end of the first trimester.
ReplyDeleteI would think that as yours are still rising, this is a good sign.
Can't wait for a reassuring ultrasound!
Much love,
Nothing to worry about at all.
ReplyDeleteI never had additional betas past the first couple, so I can't comment, except to agree with the others: all that matters is the u/s and heartbeat at this point.
ReplyDeleteKeep breathing!!!!!!!!!
First of all, woohoo on the estrogen and progesterone numbers! I agree with all the other ladies, hcg looks good. When is your next u/s? How are you doing with Will being away? How's miss moxie handling it :)
ReplyDeleteI agree that levels seem to even out, and I am so glad that your levels are still rising! I am also so glad that you are beginning to be able to wean yourself off hormonal support-- what will you do with yourself if you don't have to do shots & suppositories? :-D Hoping that time goes quickly until your next u/s!
ReplyDeleteYour numbers look great, hang in there... Thinking of you!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree...alllll your past beta's have doubled normally and they do plateau around 8 weeks so nooo worries!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like everything is going great!! I hope the nurse was able to reassure you!!
ReplyDeletepuh-lease... the beta means nothing at this point as a diagnostic tool- there is a reason that most REs only take 2 in the very beginning.
ReplyDeleteit almost makes me think your local clinic is doing its own little research project with late betas, maybe? why else, especially when you have told them you'd rather not have it at this point? CCRM is your lead clinic, seems very weird to me that your local monitoring clinic is doing its own rogue beta testing.
but even with all that, that beta is fine! big time numbers! lots of hcg going on in there!
your other numbers look just perfect. i think that really, it is just a matter of letting time pass now. embryo has to grow, do its thing, get out of week 9, week 10, 11, 12, 13, and get into that next realm of the 2nd trimester. clearly, your hormones and hormonal supplementation are working well- no problems!
i am glad that will will be home soon, he needs to be with you now. no more away trips, honey!
you're doing great, mo... keep on keeping on!
That beta number looks perfect. My RE is crazy too and does betas for weeks on end, for essentially no good reason. The last beta is always at week 12-13 when she does the NT scan. Drives me batty too because it seriously means nothing. My OB refuses to run beta's once there is a baby on the u/s because it absolutely is of no value. If it would make you feel better I can pull my numbers and trends so you can see what mine did, but I assure you, it was the same thing. They doubled and looked great, then plateaued and I started to freak. I have two live babies and soon to be a third, and all did the same thing, so it's okay. REALLY =). I really wish they'd stop with the betas already though!! So stressful!
ReplyDeleteYour beta is great - after about 2,000 it stops doubling and just increases, and the rate drops off pretty quickly. Definitely not something to worry about!
ReplyDeleteGlad all the numbers look good!
So far so good!!!
ReplyDeleteIf they insist on continuing to draw those meaningless betas can you just request to not be notified of the result?
Here is a nice reassuring table! You are definitely within their normal ranges. If that makes you feel any better. It shows when the levels start going down, too.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to step away from the beta checks. Honestly, that is a fabulous number.
ReplyDeleteHere from ICLW. Good wishes for your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteAt this point the pregnancy should eb followed with ultrasunds from a foetal wellbeing point of view, you are entirely correct in the view that the beta is not very helpful. Because you've done an artificial cycle FET and being super cautious I guess you're still in for e/p checks anyway, though :)
I have no ideas about betas this far along... I just wanted I chime in about your appetite (mentioned last post)
ReplyDeleteMy appetite increased significantly until I hit about 11/12weeks along and that's when I got 'sick'. I was always starving, so try not to read too much into your appetite (not gonna happen, I know. Just wanted to let you know it can happen!)
As everyone else has said, after the 8-10 week mark, the beta numbers mean very little. Most plateau off a bit. So your numbers are fine. I'm wondering why Denver is continuing to ask for betas at this point, really. I mean, you have u/s reports now, right? So that really is the defining marker now. Beta numbers are irrelevant; just a number (and as long as there's no HUGE drop, you're fine). My doc stopped after the third beta and through my own research I learned that numbers can plateau or even fluctuate up and down through the rest of the pregnancy. So I stopped looking for a reassuring beta too. Instead, I went from u/s to u/s looking for news. Oh... and I ordered a doppler monitor off the Internet and once or twice a week, Hubby and I listened to Petite's heartbeat. We did that til I could feel the baby moving regularly, and then did it for our own amusement and enjoyment. There's my two cents. Sending hugs sweets. All is well; keep the faith.
ReplyDeleteI didn't read the article, but it's always been my impression that after the first two beta checks, the numbers and their rate of increase, varies so widely as to be useless in the predictive department. Time, as you have said, is really the only antidote to your anxiety. Waiting with you!
ReplyDeleteI hope that the hcg gets canceled on your lab requisitions. I was also under the impression that past a certain point in T1, the hcg levels were not as important as u/s results. And your ultrasounds have been fantastic. Thanks for the link to that article. I would hope it helped reassure you.
ReplyDeleteFor some of us (and I'm in that group BIG time), our minds will just try to find any possibility of anticipating what could go wrong. In your case, things have gone wrong so much more often than right. As a distant observer, I think you are doing an amazing job at keeping some form of equanimity through these very uncertain weeks.
thinking of you.
yeah, they need to stop drawing your betas at this point. they basically are meaningless, as long as they don't rapidly drop. it just becomes a mind-f**k. your other numbers look GREAT! and it is amazing how your body begins to adapt to the higher hormone levels. you are just getting to the point you might start cranking out some progesterone yourself!
ReplyDeleteenough blood work.. breath and try to relax
ReplyDeleteNo idea about beta. I know after you are over 6000, it only doubles over 96 hours. Not sure once you are over 100,000. I would rely on your ultrasounds at this point. I really think they should stop your betas. It would drive me absolutely crazy to have to evaluate them so often. Keeping you in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteGreat news, although I sure hope the nurse calls back to confirm. Congratulations, again!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your recent comments on my blog! :)
ReplyDeleteJust catching up and I'm so thrilled to see things continue to go well for you.
Sorry about the worry about the beta numbers...hope the Denver nurse puts your mind at ease...
I'm so glad all your numbers look so good (I believe all the above comments that the beta has to stop skyrocketing at some point)...I think this is really it, Mo!!!
ReplyDeleteComing back to see if you've heard anything from the Denver nurse yet...
ReplyDeleteThis must be such a stressful time for you--be good to yourself, and enjoy it as much as you can! I have also read that betas plateau around this time. I lost my pregnancy at 8 weeks, so I don't have personal experience with the numbers at this point, but it sounds like things are progressing well. Wishing you all the best!