Friday, March 16, 2012

FET #2: weekly blood work results 7w6d

Thank you guys for all of your well wishes and congrats! This all still feels so surreal, I have to say, but reading your excitement and encouraging words makes it feel a little more real.

I received my weekly hormone check and it appears all is still going well.

Estrogen = 732

Progesterone = 39.4

Beta HCG = (yikes!) 140,934

That last number must be why I feel like I'm about to toss my cookies at any moment.

Which I'm not complaining about. It's a good thing. A good thing! That said, I'm hoping to wrap things up here at the office a bit early and tuck myself into my nice comfy bed for a little early evening slumber. I'm soooooo tired!

Despite all evidence to the contrary (the bloating, the fatigue, the nausea, the ultrasounds and blood work), my  main thought remains, Is this really happening? I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and realize this was all just some elaborate and very detailed dream. I hope not.


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  1. Yay!!!! More stellar numbers! Hurrah!!

  2. If all evidence keeps pointing to things going well, I guess you'll just have to believe it at some point. But you shouldn't be rushed on that issue. It will happen in due course.
    It's maybe a bit easier for your readers to believe it and be excited. So that's what we'll do. We'll continue to be very, very happy and excited for you. You can take a well-deserved nap.

  3. More great numbers! Whoot! This IS really happening! :)

  4. You are SO VERY pregnant!! I love it. I'm so giddy for you. Get some much needed rest this weekend and hopefully things will start to sink in and you will start to really believe this is happening. Maybe. :-) Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Yes, Mo, you are really, truly VERY pregnant.

  6. things are really going well at this point. makes for an easier time getting to sleep at night, right?

    you really are doing all the right things, and happily, things seems to be coming right along as they should! i'm so happy for you and will.

    would you mind posting about the protocol for the immune part of your treatment now? how often do you get monitored? what meds are you continuing to take, and for how long?

    has ccrm talked about weaning, or next steps for you? i know they all must be very happy with each good update they get about u/s and b/w.

    have a great weekend! and thanks for the frequent updates- so many people care about you and like to know you are doing ok.

  7. Awesome numbers! You are quite pregnant! If this is a dream, we're all having the same one. Not likely. :-)

  8. Mo!!!!!!! I am so freaking excited for you!!!!!! I a came on for a brief minute and here you are knocked up!!!!!! Yay!!! Congrats honey!!!!


  9. So glad to hear that all is humming along. I hope that the consistency of these numbers is enough to not require any additional blood work. Now that heart beat has been detected, HCG is a far less important indicator and your P4 remains stable.


  10. Glad to see things are moving smoothly. Hopefully, once the first trimester mark is cleared you can start enjoying this process, atleast in spurts:)

  11. 140,000! Whoa, that's pretty pregnant Mo!

  12. I don't think I knew HCg could get that high. Wow! Hope you are able to rest ... lots going on in there!

    And yes, thanks for the frequent updates. Lots and lots of us out here rooting for you and delighted to see all this wonderful news.

  13. You are not going to wake up and realize it was a dream, but it is your dream come true!!!! Everything will be OK! (I understand your feelings of being scared etc.) Take it one day at a time and celebrate each successful day! Keeping you THREE in my thoughts and prayers! Again, congratulations to you and Will. I will be looking forward to more happy updates!

  14. I think it is impossible to shake that feeling. At least, for me it has been...Even with Della asleep in the other room, I still feel like I'm dreaming. But hey, at least this one? This one is a very very very good dream.

    So very happy for you Mo, truly.


  15. I BELEIVE!!!! I BELEIVE!!!!

  16. Man, I love reading these good news posts! So, so excited!


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