The OB appointment this morning ran very late, and then was a long visit, and then I had to run to back-to-back patient sessions, so I'm only now getting a chance to post.
First of all, let me put your worries to rest - I am still pregnant! The embryo is still alive! It is measuring 7w6d and had a heart rate of 154 bpm.
And in other good news, the new OB was wonderful. She spent a lot of time with us. She said we've really been through it with all of our prior IVFs, pregnancies, and losses. At one point, she looked at me and asked, "Just how long have you been trying to have a baby?" Since we got married in's been years.
Funny, I didn't want or really expect sympathy about our long road to now...I was more focused on not wanting anybody to be flippant or naive or judgy. And she was none of those things.
She said that she thought I had it pretty together considering all we've been through and that my anxiety levels seem appropriate and normal - perhaps even a little low - given our situation. She offered to see us on demand - as often as we want, until we get farther along. When Will asked for weekly appointments, she said that was no problem. We offered to be seen elsewhere in between more spaced out appointments but said probably once a week we'll need to take a peek at the baby, and she said, "Oh no! I'll see you weekly! That's fine!" She was initially shocked at the number of medications I'm taking but said none of them - not the lovenox, not the prednisone, not the IVIG - worried her. And that it made sense why we were taking them all.
She expressed fear about doing the ultrasound - saying she knew we were scared to see and that she was a little scared too because of how bad our luck had been in the past, which made her seem so real, so human. She then spent a lot of time looking at the ultrasound with us - telling us what she saw and how good the yolk sac looked and where the beginning of the umbilical cord is forming. At one point, she even gave me a high five! (maybe she sensed that I'm not a big hugger). She said that everything looks great. "There's not even anything I'm secretly worried about looking at this. And sometimes there is - but here, I see nothing but how it should look exactly." Ok, then!
She kept talking about time - how she wished she could whisk us forward several weeks - that we will likely feel so much more reassured then. So we are edging forward in time. A little more pregnant than last week. Still so far from a sure thing. But closer, closer every day.
I still really can't believe this is happening.
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ReplyDeleteHappy happy happy news.
"How it should look exactly" sounds pretty darned great to me.
Happy 24 hours of post-U/S reassurance.
May it linger.
with love and happiness,
WONDERFUL! I'm just thrilled for you.
ReplyDeleteSo so happy for you both!!!!
ReplyDeleteYay, Yay, and Yay some more!! My Reader was smoking hot from clicking over here every 5 minutes! I'm so glad all is well. And what a great doctor...weekly visits!! AWESOME! So damn happy for you guys!!
ReplyDeleteYESSSS!!! Phenomenal!!! So so so happy for you!!!!
ReplyDeleteYAY for a moments relief, and living in the moment is harder that it sounds. So happy for the 2 of you.
ReplyDeleteSo thankful! Thanks for the update.
Hooray!! Great news, a sigh of relief for today. and your OB sounds great, it is good you like her, and she is good about frequent visits.
ReplyDeleteYAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! been waiting all day for this!! i too had weekly ultrasounds (for the first trimester!) it was terrifying every single time but REALLY helpful.. after which i used a babybeat doppler at home every 30 seconds till i felt him move. i'm so so so glad you have a wonderful doctor! one hurdle at a time.. :D
ReplyDeleteshe sounds like the perfect ob, the right mix of kindness, understanding, knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAnother day down.
ps - don't worry about being worried, anxiety perfectly normal reaction(in my opinion).
Woohoo!!!! So glad you not only got good news, but had such a great experience with the new MD!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting all choked up at your happy updates, and hoping for many, many more contented ones as the months and years go by.
ReplyDeleteYour OB sounds like the most amazing mix of reassuring, empathetic, validating medical professional and compassionate, realistic human being. How terrific that you found someone who listens to your needs and fears, and responds appropriately. Sending love!
- What IF?
I'm getting all choked up at your happy updates, and hoping for many, many more contented ones as the months and years go by.
ReplyDeleteYour OB sounds like the most amazing mix of reassuring, empathetic, validating medical professional and compassionate, realistic human being. How terrific that you found someone who listens to your needs and fears, and responds appropriately. Sending love!
- What IF?
Yay!! I'm so happy for you!!
ReplyDeleteSo, so very happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI have only one thing to say - YAAAAAAAY!
ReplyDeletethis is wonderful news. Truly wonderful. It sounds like the OB is just the person you need. I'm moved by reading of your experience. I truly, truly hope that things continue to go well.
ReplyDeleteThis is the post that made me cry. I so hope that you get many more visits with this OB. It sounds like you guys are a great fit, and that your embryo is going all the right things.
ReplyDeleteOh this is totally wonderful and I am so so happy for you. Your OB sounds fab (she actually sounds like my OB, who I love both as a practitioner and a person, so I wonder...). Congratulations on another step forward. This is amazing.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a keeper! So glad you will be able to get weekly peeks!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant brilliant brilliant news, I was having a crappy day till I read this, now I'm not anymore. So so happy for you guys and looking forward to the next glowing U/S report. Your doctor sounds amazing, just exactly what you need right now.
ReplyDeleteAwesome news!! She sounds like a great OB!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful OB! So happy for you two!! So happy!
ReplyDeleteIt's happening, Mo. It's really happening.
ReplyDeleteHooray for weekly appt's!!!!
Big, giant :-)! So thrilled!
ReplyDeleteSo completely awesome :)
ReplyDeleteGO Mo! Go Will! Go Baby! So glad the doctor was good to you. WHEW. Whew. !!
ReplyDeleteI am a lurker but just wanted to say how happy I am to read this! I must have clicked on your blog 10 times today just to see an update! =) So thrilled for you guys!
ReplyDeleteNothing but smiles here for you!!!!! So excited for you!
ReplyDeleteShe sounds fabulous. I am delighted to see your news and to know you have found a good OB.
When she says, "...until we get farther along," are you thinking until when your little one starting college, or maybe better to hold out until law school?
Really ... all flippancy aside ... I am so thrilled.
After obsessively refreshing like other readers, I was so psyched to see this update with GREAT NEWS from you. Congratulations! Grow little embryo, grow! I think your doctor sounds fantastic. Just awesome.
ReplyDeleteGreat update! Look at that growth of your beautiful baby!! Glad you two liked the OB! Things are going great- may they continue as such!
ReplyDeleteBathe yourself in those words.
ReplyDeleteWonderful news and a wonderful OB... :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad the OB ended up being awesome! I am so nervous about transitioning from my RE to an OB... I still have yet to pick one actually since I am still not believing this is actually happening (I am one day behind you at 7w4d), Lol. Your update has inspired me to get cracking on picking an OB.
Congrats on an awesome appointment! Looking forward to you having many more amazing appointments!
Yay yay yay! Keep on growing, little nugget!
ReplyDeleteGreat news! I say boy in 8 months. I really like the sound of your OB.
Wow, that last pic is really beginning to look like a baby!
ReplyDeleteThat's such great news!!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't be happier for you! So glad the OB worked out and you love her. That's SOOOO important. The pictures are wonderful. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a happy healthy full term pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteOh! Such wonderful news! She sounds awesome. Relieved and very happy for you!
ReplyDeleteI think that I have a crush on your OB; she sounds like a perfect match for what you need-- reassuring, but not 'blowing sunshine' and totally aware of all that you've been through to get to this point.
ReplyDeleteHooray for such wonderful news! So happy for you, Will and lucky #7!
YES!!! Delurking to say that I've been refreshing Reader all day... so happy to see your beautiful baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you two. Both on the baby and on the OBGYN :)
ReplyDeletenow you can breathe for another week...
Beautiful awseome wonderful news! Stay strong, little one!
ReplyDeleteTears of joy!!!
ReplyDeleteSO Happy for you! Congrats! This post literally brought tears to my eyes. Lots of fingers & toes crossed for you guys :)
ReplyDeleteI'm SOOO excited and thrilled for you. What a wonderful doctor too!
ReplyDeleteYay! Fantastic news!
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a great doctor. I'm praying for you.
ReplyDeleteThat's fantastic and what a good doctor! Sometimes things just come together at the right time. X
ReplyDeleteSounds like an amazing appointment. So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteIt probably won't feel REAL for a long time! Personally, it didn't feel real for me until I was feeling regular movement--probably around 22 weeks. I definitely took advantage of the close monitoring offered by my chosen practice, and that helped. But I was like you--a few days after each u/s, I would start fearing that something had gone wrong. I loosened up a tiny bit after the first tri, but really felt fearful for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy with the way things are going! Each week is a victory, and the fact that your doctor thought everything looks picture-perfect is VERY reassuring! Yay!!!!!
Goosebumps! I have actual goosebumps for you. So thrilled for you-from one recurrent miscarrier to another.
ReplyDeleteFantastic news! And what a wonderful find your OB is. Prof Lesley Regan (THE recurrent miscarriage specialist in the UK) says that for women with no known cause for their losses, TLC is the only thing that research has shown to make a difference. We had great support with our pregnancy number 7 and I really do feel it made a difference. Maybe it would have worked anyway - but I would have been a basket case by the end!
ReplyDeleteYaaaaaay! I'm so unbelievably happy for you both (three?) it is wonderful to read each update. Long may the terrific news continue! All the best from New Zealand :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, again, this is THE BEST news!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a 'normal' OB appointment and normally progressing pregnancy.
Good going, Mama!
Such amazing news!!! So, so SO happy for you guys! (I think I love your OB, too. (-: )
ReplyDeleteI'll take closer! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteJust keep re-reading this blog post until your next appt. Wonderful!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great dr!! I'm glad to hear you had a great appointment. Just take it one day (or week) at at time. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news!! Your doctor sounds lovely too. Hope you can relax a bit for a while.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that you have found a doctor who is on the same page as you and is willing to support you in all that that you want and need!
ReplyDeleteWho is this miracle doctor? I want to send her flowers and a muffin basket. Sounds like the perfect OB. And, more importantly, sounds like the best possible news. I am so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteLove your OB!!!
ReplyDeleteNow - time to take your vitamins and eat your spinach! :)
Now I can relax a bit. This is good good news!
ReplyDeleteSO glad it went well! It sounds like she is a great fit for you guys and really give you the reassurance you need.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds amazing. I am so, so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how happy I am to see not only a nice healthy pregnancy progressing....but that you have found the right OB for you. She sounds like a dream. So very happy and will continue all my positive thoughts and prayers for you and Will and baby bean in your belly.
WoooooHoooo!!! I'll keep up my mantra!! Grow, baby, grow!!!
ReplyDelete(If it's any consolation, I am currently holding a 3 month old baby and I'm still mostly in denial that it happened!)
Yipee!!! Great news, enjoy that good news and just take it one day at a time.
ReplyDeleteHave been holding my breath all day for you guys! Thank god, just so so very happy for you : )
ReplyDeleteWow! What an awesome doctor experience! I'm so glad you for. And I'm really feeling hopeful that this is gonna work out wonderfully!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear this! I have been following your blog for years, and have never commented before. But I was so apprehensive today for your appointment, and am so joyful reading how wonderful it went. Please know that there are some prayers and thoughts being sent your way from a tiny town in Connecticut from someone you have never met...but whom you have touched all the same.
ReplyDeletethanks for the update,
ReplyDeleteand what a great ob you found...
exactly what you need right now!
congratulations on another week of great growth.
so happy for you both!
Got chills! That's the second most beautiful kidney bean I've ever seen. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAhhhh!!! Tons of warm fuzzies here! I love this!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat great news! Sounds like a really great OB too.
ReplyDeleteI'm so relieved and happy for you. And your ob sounds awesome - just what you need.
ReplyDeleteSo genuinely happy to see that all continues to thrive in that ute of yours, and I am relieved that you had such a warm, supportive experience with the OB! What a keeper!
ReplyDeleteYay! So happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so glad that your OB sounds like the perfect fit. Hope the news keeps on being this stellar!
She sounds marvelous and perfect for you. And you--more pregnant every day, my dear. Ain't that the truth! Beautiful u/s, beautiful heartbeat--tears of happy lying here in bed and pecking this out with one finger on my phone. So happy. So very very happy for you.
ReplyDeleteEvery day when I come to your blog I keep my fingers crossed while it's loading - as if it will keep the post a good one! Happy to see that things are still looking good.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear that big sigh of relief? It's hard just to log in and see what has happened each day; I can't imagine being in your shoes. Pulling for you. Hoping time passes as fast as it possibly can. How great that you had a positive OB experience. In some ways, I want to take your post and send it to every idiot OB office I've been to. They could learn a few things.
ReplyDeleteContinued good thoughts coming your way -- for less anxiety, for the world finally righting itself.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear things are going awesome. Yay! And I have to say your on sounds amazing. Great news.
ReplyDeleteWe are all pulling for you, Will, and baby.
Ob, not on. :)
DeleteSOOOOOOOO happy for you!! I've also been checking all day to get your update. Yay!!!! Heather
ReplyDeleteWonderful news!!! So happy and excited for you guys!!!!!! Your OB sounds awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, she sounds lovely. You definitely deserve lovely. :) <3 that she will see you weekly!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you. Keeping my fingers crossed for you from a far.
ReplyDeleteBR. Another Hopefull from Finland
So beyond thrilled for you!!! And extra happy that the OB was so great and more than willing to give you the extra TLC you need right now with extra appointments! Whew!!! Doing the happy dance for you!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! This is fan-freakin-tabulous news Mo!!! And your OB...she is a GODSEND!! Looking forward to the weekly updates ;)
ReplyDeleteI just started following you as we are in process of our #2 IVF and you inspire me! So happy for you! Enjoy the happy moments and may they linger!
ReplyDeleteWonderful news very happy that all is well. I will celebrate the moment with you and pray that the next few weeks fly by!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have a "Winner" of an OB there !! She seems to "get" you and what you guys are going through. Happy Dance that all looked well :)
ReplyDeleteI love how upfront your OB was! Sounds like a gem. I'm hoping for a quick several weeks for you too. Nothing will help you unclench like being well into the second trimester. Keep the posts coming as you sort through all the feelings that will wave through you during these weeks. We're here for the celebration and the moments of anxiety too.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on a fabulous ultrasound and appointment!
So, SO glad to hear this. The OB sounds really wonderful. Overjoyed for you!!
ReplyDeleteYay! What beautiful ultrasound pictures! You OB sounds wonderful. I am so glad she is willing to do weekly checks. I am so, so happy for you guys, and will continue to send good thoughts your way. Happy hugs!
ReplyDeleteOh, Mo, I'm deliriously happy for you. I know you won't be able to officially unclench until the baby is born, but know that we are all very very hopeful for you.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, HUGE happy smile for you. Fantastic news.
ReplyDeleteAnd beyond that, what a fantastic doctor. I wish all doctors could be this understanding.
I know I don't comment often, but I have been following along and I just wanted to say that I am very happy for you guys! I love the u/s pics and the factthat your doctor is so understanding. I'm praying that everything remains great this time around!
ReplyDeleteCan someone please hand me a Kleenex? Please? Anyone?
ReplyDeleteSo so so wonderful. Very happy for you guys!