You guys! YOU GUYS! I can't believe how many of you came out of the woodwork to wish us well. Thank you! Wow!! We're really humbled and touched by your responses. I think some of you may have had a stronger emotional reaction than we did! Of course, I know we're a little battle scarred at this point, so I'm not beating myself up for still being pretty guarded. Sometimes I think reading your responses and reactions helps me to be able to access and feel what I would if we hadn't had such a run of bad outcomes. Your thoughts and well wishes - WOW. Thank you : ) Really.
We had blood work drawn yesterday, so I will duly post the results, as always. Everything is looking fine:
progesterone = 53.15
estrogen = 683
beta HCG = 65,543
So all is well. I'm hoping I can get them to stop with the betas soon, but these phlebotomists have a mind of their own, I tell ya. My nurse from Denver even brought up the idea of lowering the estrogen and progesterone (gasp) - which I promptly put the kibosh on. I just got a heart beat!! - I can't change anything just yet! So she relented. I agreed to drop one progesterone suppository on Tuesday (leaving me with 1cc of PIO daily + 2 suppositories... she'll fight me about the estrogen patches again next week she said.)
In other test result news, I didn't mention it, but last week during the time I had that bad cold, I also had a dermatologist appointment scheduled to have a lesion on the back of my neck evaluated. I've had this progressively more ugly slightly smaller than a dime sized keloid scar there. It's right at my neckline where the tags on my clothes tend to rub, and so it's constantly getting irritated. This past several months, it seems like it's been a constant almost-wound, that even showering opens it up, and I've been covering it with a bandaid and ignoring it. I guess for far too long.
The dermatologist biopsied it and left me a message yesterday to say she had the results. Now, I figured if she had the results but didn't say what they were on this psychologist's confidential voice mail, that that meant one thing, and one thing only: the results must be positive. Damn Irish American pale pale complexion! And I was right. I have a decent-sized basal cell carcinoma on the back of my neck. I'm not freaking out (melanoma - anything beyond stage I - would freak me out), but she does want me to have the whole thing excised soonish and make sure I have clean margins, etc. I talked to Will about an hour ago about it and he says I should go to a plastic surgeon instead of her, since it's not so small and it's visible and is going to be large enough to require stitches, etc. So, I'm mulling all this. I don't know if any of you guys have experience with such things, but chime in, if so. One thing the dermatologist emphasized is that I need to get it taken care of now - not wait 9 months until the baby is delivered (ha! ha! until a baby is delivered! That's hilarious! She thinks I'm having a baby!)
Ok. Yeah. So still processing a number of things over here:
(1) According to you guys and according to my doctors, I am pretty knocked up. At least for today.
(2) I've got an annoying neck lesion I need to have removed.
(3) I have more love and support from you guys than I could ever have imagined. Isn't this when you're all supposed to un-follow me and stop reading? Guess not. Or not yet at least. Thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement and positive thoughts. Really, just beyond words thank you!
More soon.
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I had a small cyst on my back, right on my spine. I had the dermatologist remove it. Worse. Stitching. Ever. The scar is long and thick, way thicker than it should be given that it was an itty bitty cyst. I agree with your husband- have someone in plastics take care of it.
ReplyDeleteDr David Becker, cutaneous oncologist in NYC. Did two excisions for me about 10 years ago, when I was diagnosed with melanoma (stage 1). The scarring is incredible- there is literally nearly NONE. And the excisions were big. Every derm I have seen since has looked at these scars in wonderment. I cannot recommend him highly enough- if you can get in to see him, please please do.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure my post stuck yesterday, so I needed to tell you how happy I am - how I think of you so many times a day and just want this so badly for you. I had goosebumps yesterday (I liked the sneak attack post).
ReplyDeleteWill continue thinking of you!
no advice as to a provider, but as a person who has had melanoma and basal cell, just get the thing off you as soon as you can. it will not interfere with the pregnancy (the pregnancy! you are pregnant!), and you just don't want to mess around with these feisty lesions that can change and morph with a will of their own... you know this, i know, but i am just underscoring the need to make an appointment asap to get it off, no matter who does it. if it were on your face, i would absolutely go to a plastic surgeon, but the back of your nexk? your doctor should be able to handle this- many have training in platic surgery stitching. ask a few pointed questions about it, see where you feel comfortable... but get that thing off now!
ReplyDeletelose readers?! no way mo. i am here to support you- no matter what- thru the whole shabang. i really look forward to, and am so hopeful for, your boring posts about pregnancy and scans and everything. just keep on posting!
you know, i also bet that dr.schoolcraft is just as happy as all of us here. and hoping the best for you.
your numbers look so awesome. one day at a time! err on the side of caution (like weaning), but leave room for celebrating the daily milestones. today is a good day!
Glad everything is going well Mo - you ARE pregnant! Yay! No advice on the lesion but I'm sure you'll get it taken care of soon and all will be well! So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your pregnancy. I'm a longtime lurker cheering you on! I'm a physician and would go with plastics but you're going to do great either way! Keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteI'd call round the plastic surgeons and see what your options are (making sure you mention the pregnancy!). Maybe if they can't see you soon, just get your dermatologist to do it, with the view that speed is more important than beauty! But otherwise, I'd lean towards a plastic surgeon.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear what conclusion you come to anyway. I've never had any carcinomas myself, but my Dad's had plenty, and I've inherited his skin (as has my daughter).
Also, yay pregnancy!
You are sooooo pregnant, Mo!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for your great news, and hope you're able to breathe a little and enjoy this time.
ReplyDeleteRegarding your lesion, I would ask your dermatologist if she can recommend a MOHS certified dermatologist. That is the "gold standard" for taking care of those kinds of visible scars with the least amount of scarring.
Sorry to hear about the BCC - good thing you can get rid of it easily!
ReplyDeleteI'd also go to a plastic surgeon. Get lots of local, and let them make the incision in such a way that they can close it nicely. I've had dermatologists remove a couple moles from me, and each time ended up with a keloid. I think it was because there was tension on the wound, but I'd have hoped they could do a better job of stitching it up than that.
If the wait to see a plastic surgeon is a long one, I'd let the derm do it. Get rid of it now!
Glad all the bloodwork looks great.
As if you'd lose readers now? We want the happy beginning, damn it! (And I'm feeling more & more certain with each passing bit of good news that you're going to get it.)
ReplyDeleteThinking of you, hope the lesion-excision goes quickly, easily, and pain/scar-free. In town on the 24th, though don't yet know plans. Can I bring you a thermous of tea? Gluten-free, sugar-free treats?
I would see a plastic surgeon. I would try to get rid of it sooner than later. With all of the increased vascularity of being PREGNANT (love saying that to you :) the lesion will increase in size. I have a mole near my bikini line that has quadrupled in size since becoming pregnant. So ugly! Glad the labs continue to look good! So excited for you!
ReplyDeleteYOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yay! That's all :)
ReplyDeleteI can't unfollow you now!
ReplyDeleteI was at the dermatologist today as well for a mole that keeps growing back (yuck!) anyway do go to the plastic surgeon. I had one removed by a plastic surgeon and it healed beautifully. I had this one removed twice by a dermatologist and it is a bigger uglier scar than the original mole with a mole still in the middle of it. :(
Take care. I am thinking about you even though I know I don't really know you.
Today, you are pregnant. And I cannot imagine how precarious that must feel, but today: you are pregnant. You're a pregnant lady! So happy for you.
ReplyDeleteI was (almost) speechless yesterday, but in case this didn't come through in my brevity: I am delightedly happy for you and Will.
ReplyDeleteAs for the lesion, my general rule is to have stuff seen to by someone who specializes in dealing with said stuff, which would seem to point toward a plastic surgeon. I've had stitches done by a plastic surgeon (on my face and on my finger, both times after accidents), and in both cases the resulting scars are miniscule.
I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday. What a great u/s report! My heartrate was 126 at 6w4d. This is really it!
ReplyDeleteJust adding another health care professional's recommendation to the rest you've already received - get a plastic surgeon to remove it. You won't regret it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, more importantly - congratulations!!!! Sending up lots of prayers and sending all three of you good thoughts.
Im so happy for such a wonderful us and heartbeat!!!! Yippeee:))))
ReplyDeleteno good advice about the carcinoma-sorry to hear that! Catching it early always helps, but you know that. But somehow I missed yesterday's post.....I just wanted to chime in CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I think you just made my whole weekend. I hope this great feeling lasts another 8 months!
ReplyDeleteMo - basal cell is no issue . Us and level maybe a baby. I beliveyou are going to be a mom
Hi Mo. I know our TTC journeys have been no where near similar. So I wanted to thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and comment on my recent news. It was so sweet & unexpected!
ReplyDeleteI am still so happy for you guys & am hoping hoping hoping that this little bean is your sticky & healthy take home baby!
I can't really write how happy i am for you and Will. Wow!
ReplyDeleteYup. You are definitely PG! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteYet another vote for you to see the plastic surgeon. 12 years ago I had a mole removed from my shoulder and it was melanoma (slow growing, stage 1). A plastic surgeon re-excised the area, and I have a big scar because the location on my shoulder is so bendy, but I'd hate to see what the dermatologist would have done with it.
Keep us posted!
Longtime lurker just coming out of hiding to day how excited I am for you guys and I'll be holding my breath in anticipation of every step in your journey.
ReplyDeleteI had 2 miscarriages - in subsequent pregnancies I didn't tell myself for a solid 3 months tha I was pregnant, and I sure didn't tell anyone else until I was visibly pregnant - as if acknowledging it would somehow negate it. And I *only* had 2 miscarriages.
ReplyDeleteRe the spot on the neck - go the plastics route. There's nothing pretty about it when they start cutting away at visible skin. But your neck bone (skin) is not connected to your baby bone. But your head bone is connected to all of it.
Blessings - you NEVER give up hope when it's your child. NEVER.
So glad to hear about the great heartbeat! And the one heartbeat... sure it would have been nice to have a Family in One Go, but multiples are scary. So now we'll be hoping for a sticky, stubborn little one and also that the neck lesion isn't too bothersome for you.
ReplyDeleteFor the BCC- plus sticks, as my kiwi friend the radiologist would tell you. Worth it for the prettier scar odds.
ReplyDeleteFor the pregnancy- I am so very happy for you Mo and Will and I am also keeping everything crossed and refusing to breathe out until, well, I think about school age. Want this for the two of you very very much,
Here in a very sunny part of australia, everyone has had a BCC burnt off/lopped off. This is the least of your worries, do whatever, a BCC is a very low level/non malignant cancer in the long run.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your long deserved pregnancy, it has been too long coming and I look forward to reading your blogging when you are huge and fed up!
So So So thrilled for you~ this is so exciting!!! Enjoy each of the coming milestones- cheering you on each step of the way :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. Just had a similar lesion removed from under my arm about 2 weeks ago...So far it is healing well, much smaller scar than I actually thought it would be. Gotta love the Irish pale faced heritage!
Are you kidding me? I might unfriend you when the kid is in college. MAYBE. As far as the neck thingy. I don't know. Go with the best, and good luck. Im so over the moon thrilled for you!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad your #s look awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy mom has basal cell carcinoma. If you are on top of it it will be okay. When hers was caught it was in a bunch of different places, so she had it removed (easy procedure, could definitely do it pregnant). Now she goes every 6 months to be checked and they maintain it as they find new spots and remove it. Now my mom was out in the sun ALL the time as a girl without sunscreen and had several burns so that is why she has a bunch of spots, but one spot does NOT mean you will necessarily get others, just keep being monitored just in case.
The only thing I am thinking of is she had some special cream she had to rub on ... can't remember what it was but not sure about its safety in pregnancy, just check if you need it.
SO happy things on the pregnancy front are going so well. Don't worry about being guarded....I still am at 15 weeks!!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the basal cell, if it's in a spot you won't see it (or care) then go for the derm bc it will be cheaper BUT if you will see it def go to a plastic. they will def give you less of an obvious scar.
Stop reading? Now? You ARE hilarious. Following you and Will along on this journey has been like an epic novel. And now, I have to see where it goes.
ReplyDeleteAs for the basal cell, as with all things, go with whomever you believe will give you the best care with the best outcome. My dermatologist removed a nickle sized cyst from my back, and I have no scar. You want to work with someone who is used to removing basal cell lesions and not just someone who can make it look pretty. As my old OB would say, "A man with a hammer sees all problems as nails."
You are WAY pregnant, and I predict will be getting more followers than ever because of it. EVERYONE wants a happy ending for you and Will, after what you've been through!
ReplyDeleteCan't comment on who to go to for removal, but I would recommend going to someone skilled - my husband got something removed on his back and clearly didn't go to the right person. He ended up with a huge, ugly scar on his back that will last the rest of his life! Not all dermatologists/surgeons are created alike, that's for sure!
Good luck with that, and enjoy being pregnant...I am so happy for you right now.
My dad has had close to a dozen patches of basal cell carcinoma remove over the last 2-3 years. Some by a dermatoligist and some by a surgeon. The dermotologist is good especially for the small ones but the scars are quite obvious on any larger patches. Those are the areas that keep recurring too. The 3 spots he had surgically removed have not recurred and the scars are quite small despite one excision going far deeper than anticipated. So I would go to the surgeon. Though that might be safer if you make it to the second trimester. Which I will have my fingers crossed every day until you get there. Think I'll switch to toes for the second trimester!
ReplyDeleteYour post has me tickled pink. I'm such a weirdo that I think your neck issue will be a good distraction during the next few weeks. :) Sorry to hear about it nevertheless but just so darn thrilled about your numbers and that HEARTBEAT!!! Every day when I head in to work, I just hope and hope that your posts are positive. So happy for you two. SO HAPPY!!!!
ReplyDeleteI echo everyone else who says that you should go with a plastic surgeon. Delighted that your numbers are so good... can't wait to see more great news next week at u/s (and the next week and the next week!)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your numbers are looking good. I am hoping that this pregnancy continues to a healthy delivery for you!
ReplyDeleteMo, you definitely are pregnant and the fun is just beginning, This is the rest of your life! Now is when the reading gets fun!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the basal cell carcinoma, but very thankful you caught it early. All of us have waited too many years with you for your happy beginning to stop reading now.
ReplyDeleteOk, more good news (considering what the legion COULD have been). I would definitely, definitely, definitely have a plastic surgeon do it. I wouldn't even consider it. (I'm in a medical, physician-heavy family w/a history of skin cancer that has finally learned ...the hard way.)
ReplyDeleteabsolutely go to a dermatologist/surgeon who will hopefully do a mohs procedure where they will take all they think they need, look at the margins right there, and then take more if they need to. Since you keloid, I think it's even more important you go to a derm who is good with plastics, you don't need any more scar than you've got!
ReplyDeleteI love how knocked up you are!
I am so thrilled for your wonderful pregnancy progress, but annoyed on your behalf that you have to deal with anything remotely related to cancer right now.
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed on all accounts. And hooooray for that beautiful u/s!
I am so excited about your ultrasound!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteUgh, on the neck thing!
I love it!! I laughed when you said "Isn't this when you guys are supposed to un-follow me?!" Never! This community is resilient and amazing!!
ReplyDeleteAs far as the neck thing... I agree with Will. Go to a plastic surgeon. I had several moles removed years ago as a precaution but a dermatologist did it. While I haven't had any trouble since then, I do have some pretty nasty scars that I wish were smaller. One on each arm and a couple on my back. The plastic surgeon will do a WAY better job about the end result!!
Great bloodwork! Sucky about the carcinoma. I'm glad you've gotten what sounds like good advice to me. Makes me more determined to be vigilant about sunscreen with my pale, pale skinned girl. Glad to hear our enthusiasm for this little one is seeping through. :-)
ReplyDeleteYay! Pregnant! So, so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteDidn't have access to wireless over the weekend and so didn't see the good news until now- CONGRATULATIONS on a great ultrasound!!!!! Thinking of you and hoping that the lesion is resolved in the best way possible, don't have advice but thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteI am a longtime lurker coming out of hiding to say congratulations! I have been following your blog for quite some time and am feeling very hopeful for this pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would chime in, I had a dime sized lesion similar to what you are describing on the front of my neck in high school. I had it removed by a plastic surgeon after my dermatologist said it needed to come off. I am so happy that I went with a plastic surgeon. I have absolutely no scar, he placed the stitching in a place where my neck creases naturally and it is hard for me to even remember where it is. Go with the plastic surgeon if you can get in quickly!
Thinking of you and hoping for a calm weekend of, oh, I don't know, sitting around with your feet up growing another human. Congratulations and very best wishes for roughly two more months of weary, followed by three each of cheery and dreary as it was known when I did it. Really, very best wishes.
ReplyDeleteAnd, jeeze, on the neck thing, how distracting and, potentially, frightening. I hope it comes off clean and clear, and soon. I had a smaller one taken off the front of my face (near my lip) and it really did go okay, pretty much no scar. It was tiny, one or two stitches only.
Sorry you have to even think about anything other than your pregnancy right now. That being said, get that thing off as soon as possible leaving as pretty a neck as possible.
ReplyDeleteI loved looking at your last post and seeing almost 200 comments! So heart warming and affirming. We are all behind you, supporting you and cheering you on.
As for losing readers there is no way. I'm too invested to bail now.
By the way, the nausea may start to kick up a notch or two now. Look into B6 and Unisom. This made a world of difference for me.
Yes, you ARE very pregnant!! It's ok to be guarded. It was so hard for me to get excited as well, and I spent basically my entire pregnancy (especially the first 12 weeks) in constant fear and expecting the worst at any moment. But try to relax and enjoy it if you can! As for the lesion, I had the same thing on my back several years ago. I let the dermatologist remove it and do the stitches, and I wish I'd gone with a plastic surgeon. The scar is awful and ugly and itches like crazy all the time. Good thinking to go with a plastic surgeon!
ReplyDeletelurker here ......
ReplyDelete1st - CONGRATS! to you & Will on the pregnancy ... 'be a strong sticky baby:)'
2nd - I liked to echo the Mohs Micrographic Surgeon. I work for a Mohs Surgeon ... they act as the pathologist & surgeon. the procedure is to take a layer of tissue based on the margins, the tissue is frozen & processed here in the office (while the patient waits in the patient waiting area), if the margins are all clear the patient is brought back into the room for the repair... if the margins are not clear, then the patient is brought back into the room and a layer of tissue of the positive margins is removed, procesed & reviewed ... this procedure is continued untill all margins are clear.
if interested heres a site on Mohs.
Good Luck and I look forward to your post on the pregnancy
and the decision you make on the BCC